Source code for tfields.bounding_box

import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
import sympy
import tfields

[docs]class Node(object): """ This class allows to increase the performance with cuts in x,y and z direction An extension to arbitrary cuts might be possible in the future Args: parent: Parent node of self mesh: Mesh corresponding to the node cut_expr: Cut that determines the seperation in left and right node cuts: List of cuts for the children nodes Attrs: parent (Node) remaining_cuts (dict): key specifies dimension, value the cuts that are still not done cut_expr (dict): part of parents remaining_cuts. The dimension defines what is meant by left and right Examples: >>> import tfields >>> mesh = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((5.6, 6.2, 3), ... (-0.25, 0.25, 4), ... (-1, 1, 10)) >>> cuts = {'x': [5.7, 6.1], ... 'y': [-0.2, 0, 0.2], ... 'z': [-0.5, 0.5]} >>> tree = tfields.bounding_box.Node(mesh, ... cuts, ... at_intersection='keep') >>> leaves = tree.leaves() >>> leaves = tfields.bounding_box.Node.sort_leaves(leaves) >>> meshes = [leaf.mesh for leaf in leaves] >>> templates = [leaf.template for leaf in leaves] >>> special_leaf = tree.find_leaf([5.65, -0.21, 0]) """ def __init__( self, mesh, cuts, coord_sys=None, at_intersection="split", delta=0.0, parent=None, box=None, internal_template=None, cut_expr=None, ): self.parent = parent # initialize self.mesh = copy.deepcopy(mesh) if self.is_root(): cuts = copy.deepcopy(cuts) # dicts are mutable self.remaining_cuts = cuts logging.debug(cuts) = delta if box is None: vertices = np.array(self.mesh) = { "x": [min(vertices[:, 0]) - delta, max(vertices[:, 0]) + delta], "y": [min(vertices[:, 1]) - delta, max(vertices[:, 1]) + delta], "z": [min(vertices[:, 2]) - delta, max(vertices[:, 2]) + delta], } else: = box self.left = None self.right = None self.at_intersection = at_intersection self._internal_template = internal_template if self.is_leaf(): self._template = None if self.is_root(): self._trim_to_box() self.cut_expr = cut_expr self.left_template = None self.right_template = None self.coord_sys = coord_sys # start the splitting process self._build() def _build(self): if not self.is_last_cut(): self._choose_next_cut() self._split()
[docs] def is_leaf(self): if self.left is None and self.right is None: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_root(self): if self.parent is None: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_last_cut(self): for key in self.remaining_cuts: if len(self.remaining_cuts[key]) != 0: return False return True
[docs] def in_box(self, point): x, y, z = point for key in ["x", "y", "z"]: value = locals()[key] if value <[key][0] or[key][1] < value: return False return True
@property def root(self): if self.is_root: return self return self.parent.root
[docs] @classmethod def sort_leaves(cls, leaves_list): """ sorting the leaves first in x, then y, then z direction """ sorted_leaves = sorted( leaves_list, key=lambda x: (["x"][1],["y"][1],["z"][1]) ) return sorted_leaves
def _trim_to_box(self): # 6 cuts to remove outer part of the box x, y, z = sympy.symbols("x y z") eps = 0.0000000001 x_cut = (float(["x"][0] - eps) <= x) & ( x <= float(["x"][1] + eps) ) y_cut = (float(["y"][0] - eps) <= y) & ( y <= float(["y"][1] + eps) ) z_cut = (float(["z"][0] - eps) <= z) & ( z <= float(["z"][1] + eps) ) section_cut = x_cut & y_cut & z_cut self.mesh, self._internal_template = self.mesh.cut( section_cut, at_intersection=self.at_intersection, return_template=True )
[docs] def leaves(self): """ Recursive function to create a list of all leaves Returns: list: of all leaves descending from this node """ if self.is_leaf(): return [self] else: if self.left is not None: leftLeaves = self.left.leaves() else: leftLeaves = [] if self.right is not None: rightLeaves = self.right.leaves() else: rightLeaves = [] return tfields.lib.util.flatten(leftLeaves + rightLeaves)
[docs] def find_leaf(self, point, _in_recursion=False): """ Returns: Node / None: Node: leaf note, containinig point None: point outside root box """ x, y, z = point if self.is_root(): if not self.in_box(point): return None else: if not _in_recursion: raise RuntimeError("Only root node can search for all leaves") if self.is_leaf(): return self if len(self.cut_expr) > 1: raise ValueError("cut_expr is too long") key = list(self.cut_expr)[0] value = locals()[key] if value <= self.cut_expr[key]: return self.left.find_leaf(point, _in_recursion=True) return self.right.find_leaf(point, _in_recursion=True)
def _split(self): """ Split the node in two new nodes, if there is no cut_expr set and remaing cuts exist. """ if self.cut_expr is None and self.remaining_cuts is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot split the mesh without cut_expr and" "remaining_cuts" ) else: # create cut expression x, y, z = sympy.symbols("x y z") if "x" in self.cut_expr: left_cut_expression = x <= self.cut_expr["x"] right_cut_expression = x >= self.cut_expr["x"] key = "x" elif "y" in self.cut_expr: left_cut_expression = y <= self.cut_expr["y"] right_cut_expression = y >= self.cut_expr["y"] key = "y" elif "z" in self.cut_expr: left_cut_expression = z <= self.cut_expr["z"] right_cut_expression = z >= self.cut_expr["z"] key = "z" else: raise KeyError() # split the cuts into left / right left_cuts = self.remaining_cuts.copy() right_cuts = self.remaining_cuts.copy() left_cuts[key] = [ value for value in self.remaining_cuts[key] if value <= self.cut_expr[key] ] right_cuts[key] = [ value for value in self.remaining_cuts[key] if value > self.cut_expr[key] ] left_box = copy.deepcopy( right_box = copy.deepcopy( left_box[key][1] = self.cut_expr[key] right_box[key][0] = self.cut_expr[key] # actually cut! left_mesh, self.left_template = self.mesh.cut( left_cut_expression, at_intersection=self.at_intersection, return_template=True, ) right_mesh, self.right_template = self.mesh.cut( right_cut_expression, at_intersection=self.at_intersection, return_template=True, ) # two new Nodes self.left = Node( left_mesh, left_cuts, parent=self, internal_template=self.left_template, cut_expr=None, coord_sys=self.coord_sys, at_intersection=self.at_intersection, box=left_box, ) self.right = Node( right_mesh, right_cuts, parent=self, internal_template=self.right_template, cut_expr=None, coord_sys=self.coord_sys, at_intersection=self.at_intersection, box=right_box, ) def _choose_next_cut(self): """ Set self.cut_expr by choosing the dimension with the most remaining cuts. Remove that cut from remaining cuts """ largest = 0 for key in self.remaining_cuts: if len(self.remaining_cuts[key]) > largest: largest = len(self.remaining_cuts[key]) largest_key = key median = sorted(self.remaining_cuts[largest_key])[ int(0.5 * (len(self.remaining_cuts[largest_key]) - 1)) ] # pop median cut from remaining cuts self.remaining_cuts[largest_key] = [ x for x in self.remaining_cuts[largest_key] if x != median ] self.cut_expr = {largest_key: median} def _convert_map_index(self, index): """ Recursively getting the map fields index from root Args: index (int): map field index on leaf (index with respect to parent node, not to root) Returns: int: map field index """ if self.is_root(): return index else: return_value = self.parent._convert_map_index( self.parent._internal_template.maps[3].fields[0][int(index)] ) return return_value def _convert_field_index(self, index): """ Recursively getting the fields index from root Args: index (int): field index on leaf (index with respect to parent node, not to root) Returns: int: field index """ if self.is_root(): return index else: return_value = self.parent._convert_field_index( self.parent._internal_template.fields[0][int(index)] ) return return_value @property def template(self): """ Get the global template for a leaf. This can be applied to the root mesh with the cut method to retrieve exactly this leaf mesh again. Returns: tfields.Mesh3D: mesh with first scalars as an instruction on how to build this cut (scalars point to faceIndices on mother mesh). Can be used with Mesh3D.cut """ if not self.is_leaf(): raise RuntimeError("Only leaf nodes can return a template") if self._template is None: template = self._internal_template.copy() template_field = [] if template.fields: for idx in template.fields[0]: template_field.append(self._convert_field_index(idx)) template.fields = [tfields.Tensors(template_field, dim=1, dtype=int)] template_map_field = [] if len(template.maps[3]) > 0: for idx in template.maps[3].fields[0]: template_map_field.append(self._convert_map_index(idx)) template.maps[3].fields = [ tfields.Tensors(template_map_field, dim=1, dtype=int) ] self._template = template return self._template
[docs]class Searcher(Node): def __init__(self, mesh, n_sections=None, delta=0.0, cut_length=None): """ Special cutting tree root node. Provides a fast point in mesh search algorithm (Searcher.in_faces) Args: n_sections (None or list of len 3): None: auto search n_sections list: number of sections in the index dimension delta (float): safety margin around the mesh to search in cut_length (None / float): characteristic cell size. Be carefull, to choose it high enough. If it is smaller than the largest triangle, a box could lie in the triangle without containing it. """ minima = mesh.min(axis=0) - 0.0001 maxima = mesh.max(axis=0) + 0.0001 if n_sections is None or any([ns is None for ns in n_sections]): if cut_length is None: # project all triangels to have one point at 0, 0, 0 triangles = mesh.triangles().copy() triangles.fields = [] ab, ac = triangles.edges() bc = ac - ab side_lengths = np.concatenate( [np.linalg.norm(side, axis=1) for side in [ab, ac, bc]] ) # import mplTools as mpl # axis= tfields.plotting.gca(2) # mpl.plotHistogram(side_lengths, axis=axis) # # quit() characteristic_side_length = np.max(side_lengths) cut_length = characteristic_side_length * 1.1 elongation = maxima - minima n_sections_auto = np.round(elongation / cut_length).astype(int) if n_sections is not None: for i, ns in enumerate(n_sections): if ns is not None: n_sections_auto[i] = int(ns) n_sections = n_sections_auto elif cut_length is not None: raise ValueError("cut_length not used.") # build dictionary with cuts per dimension cut = {} for i, key in enumerate(["x", "y", "z"]): n_cuts = n_sections[i] + 1 # [1:-1] because no need to cut at min or max values = np.linspace(minima[i], maxima[i], n_cuts)[1:-1] cut[key] = values return super(Searcher, self).__init__( mesh, cut, at_intersection="keep", delta=delta )
[docs] def in_faces(self, tensors, delta=-1, assign_multiple=False): """ TODO-0: * check case of point+-delta outside box! Examples: >>> import tfields >>> import numpy as np >>> mesh = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 2), (2, 3, 2)) >>> tree = tfields.bounding_box.Searcher(mesh) >>> points = tfields.Tensors([[0.5, 1, 2.1], ... [0.5, 0, 0], ... [0.5, 2, 2.1], ... [0.5, 1.5, 2.5]]) >>> box_res = tree.in_faces(points, delta=0.0001) >>> usual_res = mesh.in_faces(points, delta=0.0001) >>> assert np.array_equal(box_res, usual_res) """ if not self.is_root(): raise ValueError("in_faces may only be called by root Node.") assert self.at_intersection == "keep", "Intersection method must be 'keep'" assert not assign_multiple, "Not yet implemented. Does interfere with delta." if delta == -1: delta = indices = np.full(tensors.shape[0], -1, dtype=int) if self.mesh.nfaces() == 0: if assign_multiple: return [[-1] * len(indices)] else: return indices with tensors.tmp_transform(self.mesh.coord_sys): for i, point in enumerate(iter(tensors)): leaf = self.find_leaf(point) if leaf is None: continue if leaf.template.nfaces() == 0: continue leaf_mask = leaf.template.triangles()._in_triangles(point, delta) original_face_indices = leaf.template.maps[3].fields[0][leaf_mask] if len(original_face_indices): indices[i] = original_face_indices[0] # if len(original_face_indices) > 1 -> assign_multiple_faces return indices
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest # doctest.run_docstring_examples(Searcher.in_faces, globals()) doctest.testmod()