Source code for tfields.lib.util

Various utility functions
import itertools
import typing
from six import string_types
import numpy as np

[docs]def pairwise(iterable): """ iterator s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ... Source: Returns: two iterators, one ahead of the other """ # pylint:disable=invalid-name a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b)
[docs]def flatten(seq, container=None, keep_types=None, key: typing.Callable = None): """ Approach to flatten a nested sequence. Args: seq (iterable): iterable to be flattened containter (iterable): iterable defining an append method. Values will be appended there keep_types (list of type): types that should not be flattened but kept in nested form key (callable): callable with the signature key(iterable) -> iterable Examples: >>> from tfields.lib.util import flatten >>> import numpy as np >>> flatten([[1,2,3],4,[[5,[6]]]]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> flatten([[1,2,3],4,[[5,[{6:1}]]]], keep_types=[dict]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, {6: 1}] >>> flatten([[1,2,3],4,[[5,[np.array([6])]]]], keep_types=[np.ndarray]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, array([6])] Strings work although they have the __iter__ attribute in python3 >>> flatten([[0, 0, 0, 'A'], [1, 2, 3]]) [0, 0, 0, 'A', 1, 2, 3] Dictionaries will return flattened keys >>> flatten({"a": 1, "b": 2}) ['a', 'b'] You can use the key keyword to specify a transformation on the iterable: >>> flatten({"a": {"a1": 1, "a2": 4}, "b": 2}, key=dict.values) [1, 4, 2] >>> def dict_flat_key(item): ... if isinstance(item, dict): ... return item.values() ... return item >>> flatten({"a": {"a1": 1, "a2": [3, 4]}, "b": 2}, key=dict_flat_key) [1, 3, 4, 2] """ if keep_types is None: keep_types = [] if container is None: container = [] if key is not None: seq = key(seq) for item in seq: if ( hasattr(item, "__iter__") and not isinstance(item, string_types) and not any((isinstance(item, t) for t in keep_types)) ): flatten(item, container, keep_types, key=key) else: container.append(item) return container
[docs]def multi_sort(array, *others, **kwargs): """ Sort all given lists parralel with array sorting, ie rearrange the items in the other lists in the same way, you rearrange them for array due to array sorting Args: array (iterable) *others (iterable) **kwargs: method (function): sorting function. Default is 'sorted' ...: further arguments are passed to method. Default rest is 'key=array[0]' reversed (bool): wether to reverse the results or not cast_type (type): type of returned iterables Examples: >>> from tfields.lib.util import multi_sort >>> multi_sort([1,2,3,6,4], [1,2,3,4,5]) ([1, 2, 3, 4, 6], [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]) >>> a, b = multi_sort([1,2,3,6,4], [1,2,3,4,5]) >>> b [1, 2, 3, 5, 4] Expanded to sort as many objects as needed >>> multi_sort([1,2,3,6,4], [1,2,3,4,5], [6,5,4,3,2]) ([1, 2, 3, 4, 6], [1, 2, 3, 5, 4], [6, 5, 4, 2, 3]) Reverse argument >>> multi_sort([1,2,3,6,4], [1,2,3,4,5], [6,5,4,3,2], reverse=True) ([6, 4, 3, 2, 1], [4, 5, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 4, 5, 6]) Returns: tuple(cast_type): One iterable for each >>> multi_sort([], [], []) ([], [], []) >>> multi_sort([], [], [], cast_type=tuple) ((), (), ()) """ method = kwargs.pop("method", None) cast_type = kwargs.pop("cast_type", list) if len(array) == 0: return tuple(cast_type(x) for x in [array] + list(others)) if method is None: method = sorted if "key" not in kwargs: kwargs["key"] = lambda pair: pair[0] reverse = kwargs.pop("reverse", False) if reverse: cast_type = lambda x: list(reversed(x)) # NOQA return tuple(cast_type(x) for x in zip(*method(zip(array, *others), **kwargs)))
[docs]def convert_nan(arr, value=0.0): """ Replace all occuring NaN values by value """ nan_indices = np.isnan(arr) arr[nan_indices] = value
[docs]def view_1d(arr): """ Delete duplicate columns of the input array @Divakar """ arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr) coid_dt = np.dtype((np.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[1])) return arr.view(coid_dt).ravel()
[docs]def argsort_unique(idx): """ @Divakar """ num = idx.size sidx = np.empty(num, dtype=int) sidx[idx] = np.arange(num) return sidx
[docs]def duplicates(arr, axis=None): """ View1D version of duplicate search Speed up version after \ /python-numpy-speed-up-2d-duplicate-search/46294916#46294916 Args: arr (array_like): array other args: see np.isclose Examples: >>> import tfields >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4]]) >>> tfields.lib.util.duplicates(a, axis=0) array([0, 0, 2]) An empty sequence will not throw errors >>> assert np.array_equal(tfields.lib.util.duplicates([], axis=0), []) Returns: list of int: int is pointing to first occurence of unique value """ if len(arr) == 0: return np.array([]) if axis != 0: raise NotImplementedError() sidx = np.lexsort(arr.T) sorted_ = arr[sidx] group_index_0 = np.flatnonzero((sorted_[1:] != sorted_[:-1]).any(1)) + 1 group_index = np.concatenate(([0], group_index_0, [sorted_.shape[0]])) ids = np.repeat(range(len(group_index) - 1), np.diff(group_index)) sidx_mapped = argsort_unique(sidx) ids_mapped = ids[sidx_mapped] grp_minidx = sidx[group_index[:-1]] out = grp_minidx[ids_mapped] return out
# pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def index(arr, entry, rtol=0, atol=0, equal_nan=False, axis=None): """ Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> a = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4]]) >>> tfields.lib.util.index(a, [2, 3, 4], axis=0) 2 >>> a = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4]]) >>> tfields.lib.util.index(a, 4) 5 Returns: int: index of entry in arr """ if axis is None: arr = arr.flatten() elif axis != 0: raise NotImplementedError() for i, part in enumerate(arr): isclose = np.isclose(part, entry, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) if axis is not None: isclose = isclose.all() if isclose: return i
[docs]def is_full_slice(index, shape): """ Determine if an index is the full slice (i.e. __getitem__ with this index returns the full array) w.r.t the shape given. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> class index_getter: ... def __getitem__(self, index): ... return index >>> get_index = index_getter() >>> a = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4]]) >>> shape = a.shape >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:], shape) True >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:, :], shape) True >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:, 1], shape) False >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[1:, :], shape) False >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:1, :], shape) False >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:, 1:], shape) False >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:, :1], shape) False >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[:, :-1], shape) True >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[np.array([True, True, True])], shape) True >>> tfields.lib.util.is_full_slice(get_index[np.array([True, True, False])], shape) False """ if isinstance(index, slice): if ( index.step in (None, 1) and index.start in (None, 0) and index.stop in (None, -1, shape[0]) ): # full slice -> no type change return True else: return False elif isinstance(index, tuple): return all((is_full_slice(ind, (shp,)) for ind, shp in zip(index, shape))) elif isinstance(index, int): return index == 0 and shape[0] == 1 elif isinstance(index, (np.ndarray, list)): return all(index) else: raise NotImplementedError("Index Type %s", type(index))
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()