Source code for tfields.mesh_3d

# encoding: utf-8
Author:     Daniel Boeckenhoff

Triangulated mesh class and methods
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
import tfields

# obj imports
from tfields.lib.decorators import cached_property

def _dist_from_plane(point, plane):
    return plane["normal"].dot(point) + plane["d"]

def _segment_plane_intersection(point0, point1, plane):
    Get the intersection between the ray spanned by point0 and point1 with the plane.
        point0: array of length 3
        point1: array of length 3
        points, direction
            points (list of arrays of length 3): 3d points
    distance0 = _dist_from_plane(point0, plane)
    distance1 = _dist_from_plane(point1, plane)
    point0_on_plane = abs(distance0) < np.finfo(float).eps
    point1_on_plane = abs(distance1) < np.finfo(float).eps
    points = []
    direction = 0
    if point0_on_plane:

    if point1_on_plane:
    # remove duplicate points
    if len(points) > 1:
        points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
    if point0_on_plane and point1_on_plane:
        return points, direction

    if distance0 * distance1 > np.finfo(float).eps:
        return points, direction

    direction = np.sign(distance0)
    if abs(distance0) < np.finfo(float).eps:
        return points, direction
    if abs(distance1) < np.finfo(float).eps:
        return points, direction
    if abs(distance0 - distance1) > np.finfo(float).eps:
        t = distance0 / (distance0 - distance1)
        return points, direction

    points.append(point0 + t * (point1 - point0))
    # remove duplicate points
    if len(points) > 1:
        points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
    return points, direction

def _intersect(triangle, plane, vertices_rejected):
    Intersect a triangle with a plane. Give the info, which side of the
    triangle is rejected by passing the mask vertices_rejected
        list of list. The inner list is of length 3 and refers to the points of
        new triangles. The reference is done with varying types:
            int: reference to triangle index
            complex: reference to duplicate point. This only happens in case
                two triangles are returned. Then only in the second triangle
            iterable: new vertex

        align norm vectors with previous face
    n_true = vertices_rejected.count(True)
    lonely_bool = True if n_true == 1 else False
    index = vertices_rejected.index(lonely_bool)
    s0, d0 = _segment_plane_intersection(triangle[0], triangle[1], plane)
    s1, d1 = _segment_plane_intersection(triangle[1], triangle[2], plane)
    s2, d2 = _segment_plane_intersection(triangle[2], triangle[0], plane)

    single_index = index
    couple_indices = [j for j in range(3) if not vertices_rejected[j] == lonely_bool]

    # TODO handle special cases. For now triangles with at least two points on plane are excluded
    new_vertices = None

    if len(s0) == 2:
        # both points on plane
        return new_vertices
    if len(s1) == 2:
        # both points on plane
        return new_vertices
    if len(s2) == 2:
        # both points on plane
        return new_vertices
    if lonely_bool:
        # two new triangles
        if len(s0) == 1 and len(s1) == 1:
            new_vertices = [
                [couple_indices[0], s0[0], couple_indices[1]],
                [couple_indices[1], complex(1), s1[0]],
        elif len(s1) == 1 and len(s2) == 1:
            new_vertices = [
                [couple_indices[0], couple_indices[1], s1[0]],
                [couple_indices[0], complex(2), s2[0]],
        elif len(s0) == 1 and len(s2) == 1:
            new_vertices = [
                [couple_indices[0], couple_indices[1], s0[0]],
                [couple_indices[1], s2[0], complex(2)],
        # one new triangle
        if len(s0) == 1 and len(s1) == 1:
            new_vertices = [[single_index, s1[0], s0[0]]]
        elif len(s1) == 1 and len(s2) == 1:
            new_vertices = [[single_index, s2[0], s1[0]]]
        elif len(s0) == 1 and len(s2) == 1:
            new_vertices = [[single_index, s0[0], s2[0]]]
    return new_vertices

[docs]class Mesh3D(tfields.TensorMaps): # pylint: disable=R0904 """ Points3D child used as vertices combined with faces to build a geometrical mesh of triangles Examples: >>> import tfields >>> import numpy as np >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,2,3], [3,3,3], [0,0,0], [5,6,7]], faces=[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> m.equal([[1, 2, 3], ... [3, 3, 3], ... [0, 0, 0], ... [5, 6, 7]]) True >>> np.array_equal(m.faces, [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]) True conversion to points only >>> tfields.Points3D(m).equal([[1, 2, 3], ... [3, 3, 3], ... [0, 0, 0], ... [5, 6, 7]]) True Empty instances >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([]); going from Mesh3D to Triangles3D instance is easy and will be cached. >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,0]], faces=[[0, 1, 2]]); >>> assert m.triangles().equal(tfields.Triangles3D([[ 1., 0., 0.], ... [ 0., 1., 0.], ... [ 0., 0., 0.]])) a list of scalars is assigned to each face >>> mScalar = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,0]], ... faces=([[0, 1, 2]], [.5])); >>> np.array_equal(mScalar.faces.fields, [[ 0.5]]) True adding together two meshes: >>> m2 = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,0,0],[2,0,0],[0,3,0]], ... faces=([[0,1,2]], [.7])) >>> msum = tfields.Mesh3D.merged(mScalar, m2) >>> msum.equal([[ 1., 0., 0.], ... [ 0., 1., 0.], ... [ 0., 0., 0.], ... [ 1., 0., 0.], ... [ 2., 0., 0.], ... [ 0., 3., 0.]]) True >>> assert np.array_equal(msum.faces, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) Saving and reading >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> outFile = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.npz') >>> >>> _ = >>> m1 = tfields.Mesh3D.load(, allow_pickle=True) >>> bool(np.all(m == m1)) True >>> assert np.array_equal(m1.faces, np.array([[0, 1, 2]])) """ def __new__(cls, tensors, *fields, **kwargs): kwargs["dim"] = 3 if "maps" in kwargs and "faces" in kwargs: raise ValueError("Conflicting options maps and faces") faces = kwargs.pop("faces", None) maps = kwargs.pop("maps", None) if faces is not None: if len(faces) == 0: # faces = [] faces = np.empty((0, 3)) maps = [faces] if maps is not None: kwargs["maps"] = maps obj = super(Mesh3D, cls).__new__(cls, tensors, *fields, **kwargs) if len(obj.maps) > 1: raise ValueError("Mesh3D only allows one map") if obj.maps and (len(obj.maps) > 1 or obj.maps.keys()[0] != 3): raise ValueError("Face dimension should be 3") return obj def _save_obj(self, path, **kwargs): """ Save obj as wavefront/.obj file """ obj = kwargs.pop("object", None) group = kwargs.pop("group", None) cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", "viridis") map_index = kwargs.pop("map_index", None) path = path.replace(".obj", "") directory, name = os.path.split(path) if map_index is not None: scalars = self.maps[3].fields[map_index] min_scalar = scalars[~np.isnan(scalars)].min() max_scalar = scalars[~np.isnan(scalars)].max() vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", min_scalar) vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", max_scalar) if vmin == vmax: if vmin == 0.0: vmax = 1.0 else: vmin = 0.0 import matplotlib.colors as colors import matplotlib.pyplot as plt norm = colors.Normalize(vmin, vmax) color_map = plt.get_cmap(cmap) else: # switch for not coloring the triangles and thus not producing the # materials norm = None if len(kwargs) != 0: raise ValueError("Unused arguments.") if norm is not None: mat_name = name + "_frame_{0}.mat".format(map_index) scalars[np.isnan(scalars)] = min_scalar - 1 sorted_scalars = scalars[scalars.argsort()] sorted_scalars[sorted_scalars == min_scalar - 1] = np.nan sorted_faces = self.faces[scalars.argsort()] scalar_set = np.unique(sorted_scalars) scalar_set[scalar_set == min_scalar - 1] = np.nan mat_path = os.path.join(directory, mat_name) with open(mat_path, "w") as mf: for s in scalar_set: if np.isnan(s): mf.write("newmtl nan") mf.write("Kd 0 0 0\n\n") else: mf.write("newmtl mtl_{0}\n".format(s)) mf.write( "Kd {c[0]} {c[1]} {c[2]}\n\n".format(c=color_map(norm(s))) ) else: sorted_faces = self.faces # writing of the obj file with open(path + ".obj", "w") as f: f.write("# File saved with tfields Mesh3D._save_obj method\n\n") if norm is not None: f.write("mtllib ./{0}\n\n".format(mat_name)) if obj is not None: f.write("o {0}\n".format(obj)) if group is not None: f.write("g {0}\n".format(group)) for vertex in self: f.write("v {v[0]} {v[1]} {v[2]}\n".format(v=vertex)) last_scalar = None for i, face in enumerate(sorted_faces + 1): if norm is not None: if not last_scalar == sorted_scalars[i]: last_scalar = sorted_scalars[i] f.write("usemtl mtl_{0}\n".format(last_scalar)) f.write("f {f[0]} {f[1]} {f[2]}\n".format(f=face)) @classmethod def _load_obj(cls, path, *group_names): """ Factory method Given a path to a obj/wavefront file, construct the object """ import csv log = logging.getLogger() with open(path, mode="r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=" ") groups = [] group = None vertex_no = 1 for line in reader: if not line: continue if line[0] == "#": continue if line[0] == "g": if group: groups.append(group) group = dict(name=line[1], vertices={}, faces=[]) elif line[0] == "v": if not group: log.debug("No group found. Setting default 'Group'") group = dict(name="Group", vertices={}, faces=[]) vertex = list(map(float, line[1:4])) group["vertices"][vertex_no] = vertex vertex_no += 1 elif line[0] == "f": face = [] for v in line[1:]: w = v.split("/") face.append(int(w[0])) group["faces"].append(face) else: groups.append(group) vertices = [] for g in groups[:]: vertices.extend(g["vertices"].values()) if len(group_names) != 0: groups = [g for g in groups if g["name"] in group_names] faces = [] for g in groups: faces.extend(g["faces"]) faces = np.add(np.array(faces), -1).tolist() """ Building the class from retrieved vertices and faces """ if len(vertices) == 0: return cls([]) faceLenghts = [len(face) for face in faces] for i in reversed(range(len(faceLenghts))): length = faceLenghts[i] if length == 3: continue if length == 4: log.warning( "Given a Rectangle. I will split it but " "sometimes the order is different." ) faces.insert(i + 1, faces[i][2:] + faces[i][:1]) faces[i] = faces[i][:3] else: raise NotImplementedError() mesh = cls(vertices, faces=faces) if group_names: mesh = mesh.cleaned() return mesh def _save_stl(self, path, **kwargs): """ Saves the mesh in stl format """ self.triangles()._save_stl(path, **kwargs) @classmethod def _load_stl(cls, path): """ Factory method Given a path to a stl file, construct the object """ return tfields.Triangles3D.load(path).mesh()
[docs] @classmethod def plane(cls, *base_vectors, **kwargs): """ Alternative constructor for creating a plane from Args: *base_vectors: see grid constructors in core. One base_vector has to be one-dimensional **kwargs: forwarded to __new__ """ vertices = tfields.Tensors.grid(*base_vectors, **kwargs) base_vectors = tfields.lib.grid.ensure_complex(*base_vectors) base_vectors = tfields.lib.grid.to_base_vectors(*base_vectors) fix_coord = None for coord in range(3): if len(base_vectors[coord]) > 1: continue if len(base_vectors[coord]) == 0: continue fix_coord = coord if fix_coord is None: raise ValueError("Describe a plane with one variable fiexed") var_coords = list(range(3)) var_coords.pop(var_coords.index(fix_coord)) faces = [] base0, base1 = base_vectors[var_coords[0]], base_vectors[var_coords[1]] for i1 in range(len(base1) - 1): for i0 in range(len(base0) - 1): idx_top_left = len(base1) * (i0 + 0) + (i1 + 0) idx_top_right = len(base1) * (i0 + 0) + (i1 + 1) idx_bot_left = len(base1) * (i0 + 1) + (i1 + 0) idx_bot_right = len(base1) * (i0 + 1) + (i1 + 1) faces.append([idx_top_left, idx_top_right, idx_bot_left]) faces.append([idx_top_right, idx_bot_left, idx_bot_right]) inst = cls.__new__(cls, vertices, faces=faces) return inst
[docs] @classmethod def grid(cls, *base_vectors, **kwargs): """ Construct 'cuboid' along base_vectors Examples: Building symmetric geometries were never as easy: Approximated sphere with radius 1, translated in y by 2 units >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> sphere = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((1, 1, 1), ... (-np.pi, np.pi, 12), ... (-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 12), ... coord_sys='spherical') >>> sphere.transform('cartesian') >>> sphere[:, 1] += 2 Oktaeder >>> oktaeder = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((1, 1, 1), ... (-np.pi, np.pi, 5), ... (-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 3), ... coord_sys='spherical') >>> oktaeder.transform('cartesian') Cube with edge length of 2 units >>> cube = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((-1, 1, 2), ... (-1, 1, 2), ... (-5, -3, 2)) Cylinder >>> cylinder = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((1, 1, 1), ... (-np.pi, np.pi, 12), ... (-5, 3, 12), ... coord_sys='cylinder') >>> cylinder.transform('cartesian') """ if not len(base_vectors) == 3: raise AttributeError("3 base_vectors vectors required") base_vectors = tfields.lib.grid.ensure_complex(*base_vectors) base_vectors = tfields.lib.grid.to_base_vectors(*base_vectors) indices = [0, -1] coords = range(3) baseLengthsAbove1 = [len(b) > 1 for b in base_vectors] # if one plane is given: rearrange indices and coords if not all(baseLengthsAbove1): indices = [0] for i, b in enumerate(baseLengthsAbove1): if not b: coords = [i] break base_vectors = list(base_vectors) planes = [] for ind in indices: for coord in coords: basePart = base_vectors[:] basePart[coord] = np.array([base_vectors[coord][ind]], dtype=float) planes.append(cls.plane(*basePart, **kwargs)) inst = cls.merged(*planes, **kwargs) return inst
@property def faces(self): if self.maps: return self.maps[3] else: logging.warning( "No faces found. Mesh has {x} vertices.".format(x=len(self)) ) return tfields.Maps.to_map([], dim=3) @faces.setter def faces(self, faces): mp = tfields.Maps.to_map(faces, dim=3) self.maps[tfields.dim(mp)] = mp @cached_property() def _triangles(self): """ with the decorator, this should be handled like an attribute though it is a method """ if self.faces.size == 0: return tfields.Triangles3D([]) tris = tfields.Tensors(self[self.maps[3].flatten()]) fields = self.maps[3].fields return tfields.Triangles3D(tris, *fields)
[docs] def triangles(self): """ Cached method to retrieve the triangles, belonging to this mesh Examples: >>> import tfields >>> mesh = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((0, 1, 3), (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 3)) >>> assert mesh.triangles() is mesh.triangles() """ return self._triangles
[docs] def centroids(self): return self.triangles().centroids()
@cached_property() def _planes(self): if self.faces.size == 0: return tfields.Planes3D([]) return tfields.Planes3D(self.centroids(), self.triangles().norms())
[docs] def planes(self): return self._planes
[docs] def nfaces(self): return self.faces.shape[0]
[docs] def in_faces(self, points, delta, **kwargs): """ Check whether points lie within triangles with Barycentric Technique see Triangles3D.in_triangles. If multiple requests are done on huge meshes, this can be hugely optimized by requesting the property self.tree or setting it to self.tree = <saved tree> before calling in_faces. """ key = "mesh_tree" if hasattr(self, "_cache") and key in self._cache: log = logging.getLogger()"Using cached decision tree to speed up point - face mapping.") indices = self.tree.in_faces(points, delta, **kwargs) else: indices = self.triangles().in_triangles(points, delta, **kwargs) return indices
@property def tree(self): """ Cached property to retrieve a bounding_box Searcher. This searcher can hugely optimize 'in_faces' searches Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> mesh = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((0, 1, 3), (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 3)) >>> _ = mesh.tree >>> assert hasattr(mesh, '_cache') >>> assert 'mesh_tree' in mesh._cache >>> face_indices = mesh.in_faces(tfields.Points3D([[0.2, 1.2, 2.0]]), ... 0.00001) You might want to know the number of points per face >>> unique, counts = np.unique(face_indices, return_counts=True) >>> dict(zip(unique, counts)) # one point on triangle number 16 {16: 1} """ if not hasattr(self, "_cache"): self._cache = {} key = "mesh_tree" if key in self._cache: tree = self._cache[key] else: tree = tfields.bounding_box.Searcher(self) self._cache[key] = tree return tree @tree.setter def tree(self, tree): if not hasattr(self, "_cache"): self._cache = {} key = "mesh_tree" self._cache[key] = tree
[docs] def remove_faces(self, face_delete_mask): """ Remove faces where face_delete_mask is True """ face_delete_mask = np.array(face_delete_mask, dtype=bool) self.faces = self.faces[~face_delete_mask] self.faces.fields = self.faces.fields[~face_delete_mask]
[docs] def template(self, sub_mesh): """ 'Manual' way to build a template that can be used with self.cut Returns: Mesh3D: template (see cut), can be used as template to retrieve sub_mesh from self instance Examples: >>> import tfields >>> from import y >>> mp = tfields.TensorFields([[0,1,2],[2,3,0],[3,2,5],[5,4,3]], ... [1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [1,1,0], [0,1,0], [0,2,0], [1,2,0]], ... maps=[mp]) >>> m_cut = m.cut(y < 1.5, at_intersection='split') >>> template = m.template(m_cut) >>> assert m_cut.equal(m.cut(template)) TODO: fields template not yet implemented """ cents = tfields.Tensors(sub_mesh.centroids()) face_indices = self.in_faces(cents, delta=None) inst = sub_mesh.copy() if inst.maps: inst.maps[3].fields = [tfields.Tensors(face_indices, dim=1)] else: inst.maps = [ tfields.TensorFields([], tfields.Tensors([], dim=1), dim=3, dtype=int) ] return inst
[docs] def project( self, tensor_field, delta=None, merge_functions=None, point_face_assignment=None, return_point_face_assignment=False, ): """ Project the points of the tensor_field to a copy of the mesh and set the face values accord to the field to the maps field. If no field is present in tensor_field, the number of points in a mesh is counted. Args: tensor_field (Tensors | TensorFields) delta (float | None): forwarded to Mesh3D.in_faces merge_functions (callable): if multiple Tensors lie in the same face, they are mapped with the merge_function to one value point_face_assignment (np.array, dtype=int): array assigning each point to a face. Each entry position corresponds to a point of the tensor, each entry value is the index of the assigned face return_point_face_assignment (bool): if true, return the point_face_assignment Examples: >>> import tfields >>> import numpy as np >>> mp = tfields.TensorFields([[0,1,2],[2,3,0],[3,2,5],[5,4,3]], ... [1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [1,1,0], [0,1,0], [0,2,0], [1,2,0]], ... maps=[mp]) >>> points = tfields.Tensors([[0.5, 0.2, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.02, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.8, 0.0], ... [0.5, 0.8, 0.1]]) # not contained Projecting points onto the mesh gives the count >>> m_points = m.project(points, delta=0.01) >>> list(m_points.maps[3].fields[0]) [2, 1, 0, 0] TensorFields with arbitrary size are projected, combinging the fields automatically >>> fields = [tfields.Tensors([1,3,42, -1]), ... tfields.Tensors([[0,1,2], [2,3,4], [3,4,5], [-1] * 3]), ... tfields.Tensors([[[0, 0]] * 2, ... [[2, 2]] * 2, ... [[3, 3]] * 2, ... [[9, 9]] * 2])] >>> tf = tfields.TensorFields(points, *fields) >>> m_tf = m.project(tf, delta=0.01) >>> assert m_tf.maps[3].fields[0].equal([2, 42, np.nan, np.nan], equal_nan=True) >>> assert m_tf.maps[3].fields[1].equal([[1, 2, 3], ... [3, 4, 5], ... [np.nan] * 3, ... [np.nan] * 3], ... equal_nan=True) >>> assert m_tf.maps[3].fields[2].equal([[[1, 1]] * 2, ... [[3, 3]] * 2, ... [[np.nan, np.nan]] * 2, ... [[np.nan, np.nan]] * 2], ... equal_nan=True) Returning the calculated point_face_assignment can speed up multiple results >>> m_tf, point_face_assignment = m.project(tf, delta=0.01, ... return_point_face_assignment=True) >>> m_tf_fast = m.project(tf, delta=0.01, point_face_assignment=point_face_assignment) >>> assert m_tf.equal(m_tf_fast, equal_nan=True) """ if not issubclass(type(tensor_field), tfields.Tensors): tensor_field = tfields.TensorFields(tensor_field) inst = self.copy() # setup empty map fields and collect fields n_faces = len(self.maps[3]) point_indices = np.arange(len(tensor_field)) if not hasattr(tensor_field, "fields") or len(tensor_field.fields) == 0: # if not fields is existing use int type fields and empty_map_fields # in order to generate a sum fields = [np.full(len(tensor_field), 1, dtype=int)] empty_map_fields = [tfields.Tensors(np.full(n_faces, 0, dtype=int))] if merge_functions is None: merge_functions = [np.sum] else: fields = tensor_field.fields empty_map_fields = [] for field in fields: cls = type(field) kwargs = {key: getattr(field, key) for key in cls.__slots__} shape = (n_faces,) + field.shape[1:] empty_map_fields.append(cls(np.full(shape, np.nan), **kwargs)) if merge_functions is None: merge_functions = [lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=0)] * len(fields) # build point_face_assignment if not given. if point_face_assignment is not None: if len(point_face_assignment) != len(tensor_field): raise ValueError("Template needs same lenght as tensor_field") else: point_face_assignment = self.in_faces(tensor_field, delta=delta) point_face_assignment_set = set(point_face_assignment) # merge the fields according to point_face_assignment map_fields = [] for field, map_field, merge_function in zip( fields, empty_map_fields, merge_functions ): for i, f_index in enumerate(point_face_assignment_set): if f_index == -1: # point could not be mapped continue point_in_face_indices = point_indices[point_face_assignment == f_index] res = field[point_in_face_indices] if len(res) == 1: map_field[f_index] = res else: map_field[f_index] = merge_function(res) map_fields.append(map_field) inst.maps[3].fields = map_fields if return_point_face_assignment: return inst, point_face_assignment return inst
def _cut_sympy(self, expression, at_intersection="remove", _in_recursion=False): """ Partition the mesh with the cuts given and return the template """ eps = 0.000000001 # direct return if self is empty if len(self) == 0: return self.copy(), self.copy() inst = self.copy() """ add the indices of the vertices and maps to the fields. They will be removed afterwards """ if not _in_recursion: inst.fields.append(tfields.Tensors(np.arange(len(inst)))) for mp in inst.maps.values(): mp.fields.append(tfields.Tensors(np.arange(len(mp)))) # mask for points that do not fulfill the cut expression mask = inst.evalf(expression) # remove the points if not any(~mask): # no vertex is valid inst = inst[mask] elif all(~mask): # all vertices are valid inst = inst[mask] elif at_intersection == "keep": expression_parts = tfields.lib.symbolics.split_expression(expression) if len(expression_parts) > 1: new_mesh = inst.copy() for expr_part in expression_parts: inst, _ = inst._cut_sympy( expr_part, at_intersection=at_intersection, _in_recursion=True ) elif len(expression_parts) == 1: face_delete_indices = set([]) for i, face in enumerate(inst.maps[3]): """ vertices_rejected is a mask for each face that is True, where a Point is on the rejected side of the plane """ vertices_rejected = [~mask[f] for f in face] if all(vertices_rejected): # delete face face_delete_indices.add(i) mask = np.full(len(inst.maps[3]), True, dtype=bool) for face_idx in range(len(inst.maps[3])): if face_idx in face_delete_indices: mask[face_idx] = False inst.maps[3] = inst.maps[3][mask] else: raise ValueError("Sympy expression is not splitable.") inst = inst.cleaned() elif at_intersection == "split" or at_intersection == "split_rough": """ add vertices and faces that are at the border of the cuts """ expression_parts = tfields.lib.symbolics.split_expression(expression) if len(expression_parts) > 1: new_mesh = inst.copy() if at_intersection == "split_rough": """ the following is, to speed up the process. Problem is, that triangles can exist, where all points lie outside the cut, but part of the area still overlaps with the cut. These are at the intersection line between two cuts. """ face_inters_mask = np.full((inst.faces.shape[0]), False, dtype=bool) for i, face in enumerate(inst.faces): vertices_rejected = [-mask[f] for f in face] face_on_edge = any(vertices_rejected) and not all( vertices_rejected ) if face_on_edge: face_inters_mask[i] = True new_mesh.remove_faces(-face_inters_mask) for expr_part in expression_parts: inst, _ = inst._cut_sympy( expr_part, at_intersection="split", _in_recursion=True ) elif len(expression_parts) == 1: # build plane from cut expression plane_sympy = tfields.lib.symbolics.to_plane(expression) norm_sympy = np.array(plane_sympy.normal_vector).astype(float) d = plane = {"normal": norm_sympy, "d": d} # initialize empty containers norm_vectors = inst.triangles().norms() new_vertices = np.empty((0, 3)) new_faces = np.empty((0, 3)) new_fields = [ tfields.Tensors( np.empty((0,) + field.shape[1:]), coord_sys=field.coord_sys ) for field in inst.fields ] new_map_fields = [[] for field in inst.maps[3].fields] new_norm_vectors = [] # copy TODO? vertices = np.array(inst) faces = np.array(inst.maps[3]) fields = [np.array(field) for field in inst.fields] faces_fields = [np.array(field) for field in inst.maps[3].fields] face_delete_indices = set([]) # indexing not intersected faces for i, face in enumerate(inst.maps[3]): """ vertices_rejected is a mask for each face that is True where a point is on the rejected side of the plane """ vertices_rejected = [~mask[f] for f in face] if any(vertices_rejected): # delete face face_delete_indices.add(i) if any(vertices_rejected) and not all(vertices_rejected): # face on edge n_true = vertices_rejected.count(True) lonely_bool = True if n_true == 1 else False triangle_points = [vertices[f] for f in face] """ Add the intersection points and faces """ intersection = _intersect( triangle_points, plane, vertices_rejected ) last_idx = len(vertices) for tri_list in intersection: new_face = [] for item in tri_list: if isinstance(item, int): # reference to old vertex new_face.append(face[item]) elif isinstance(item, complex): # reference to new vertex that has been # concatenated already new_face.append(last_idx + int(item.imag)) else: # new vertex new_face.append(len(vertices)) vertices = np.append( vertices, [[float(x) for x in item]], axis=0 ) fields = [ np.append( field, np.full((1,) + field.shape[1:], np.nan), axis=0, ) for field in fields ] faces = np.append(faces, [new_face], axis=0) faces_fields = [ np.append(field, [field[i]], axis=0) for field in faces_fields ] faces_fields[-1][-1] = i face_map = tfields.TensorFields( faces, *faces_fields, dtype=int, coord_sys=inst.maps[3].coord_sys ) inst = tfields.Mesh3D( vertices, *fields, maps=[face_map], coord_sys=inst.coord_sys ) mask = np.full(len(inst.maps[3]), True, dtype=bool) for face_idx in range(len(inst.maps[3])): if face_idx in face_delete_indices: mask[face_idx] = False inst.maps[3] = inst.maps[3][mask] else: raise ValueError("Sympy expression is not splitable.") inst = inst.cleaned() elif at_intersection == "remove": inst = inst[mask] else: raise AttributeError( "No at_intersection method called {at_intersection} " "implemented".format(**locals()) ) if _in_recursion: template = None else: template_field = inst.fields.pop(-1) template_maps = [] for mp in inst.maps.values(): t_mp = tfields.TensorFields(tfields.Tensors(mp), mp.fields.pop(-1)) template_maps.append(t_mp) template = tfields.Mesh3D( tfields.Tensors(inst), template_field, maps=template_maps ) return inst, template def _cut_template(self, template): """ Args: template (tfields.Mesh3D) Examples: >>> import tfields >>> import numpy as np Build mesh >>> mmap = tfields.TensorFields([[0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 4]], ... [[42, 21], [-42, -21]]) >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0]*3, [1]*3, [2]*3, [3]*3, [4]*3], ... [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], ... [0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.4], ... maps=[mmap]) Build template >>> tmap = tfields.TensorFields([[0, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2]], ... [1, 0]) >>> t = tfields.Mesh3D([[0]*3, [-1]*3, [-2]*3, [-3]*3, [-4]*3], ... [1, 0, 3, 2, 4], ... maps=[tmap]) Use template as instruction to make a fast cut >>> res = m._cut_template(t) >>> assert np.array_equal(res.fields, ... [[0.1, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4], ... [-0.1, 0.0, -0.3, -0.2, -0.4]]) >>> assert np.array_equal(res.maps[3].fields[0], ... [[-42, -21], [42, 21]]) """ # Possible Extension (small todo): check: len(field(s)) == len(self/maps) # Redirect fields fields = [] if template.fields: template_field = np.array(template.fields[0]) if len(self) > 0: """ if new vertices have been created in the template, it is in principle unclear what fields we have to refer to. Thus in creating the template, we gave np.nan. To make it fast, we replace nan with 0 as a dummy and correct the field entries afterwards with np.nan. """ nan_mask = np.isnan(template_field) template_field[nan_mask] = 0 # dummy reference to index 0. template_field = template_field.astype(int) for field in self.fields: projected_field = field[template_field] projected_field[nan_mask] = np.nan # correction for nan fields.append(projected_field) # Redirect maps and their fields maps = [] for mp, template_mp in zip(self.maps.values(), template.maps.values()): mp_fields = [] for field in mp.fields: if len(template_mp) == 0 and len(template_mp.fields) == 0: mp_fields.append(field[0:0]) # np.empty else: mp_fields.append(field[template_mp.fields[0].astype(int)]) new_mp = tfields.TensorFields(tfields.Tensors(template_mp), *mp_fields) maps.append(new_mp) inst = tfields.Mesh3D(tfields.Tensors(template), *fields, maps=maps) return inst
[docs] def cut(self, *args, **kwargs): """ cut method for Mesh3D. Args: expression (sympy logical expression | Mesh3D): sympy locical expression: Sympy expression that defines planes in 3D Mesh3D: A mesh3D will be interpreted as a template, i.e. a fast instruction of how to cut the triangles. It is the second part of the tuple, returned by a previous cut with a sympy locial expression with 'return_template=True'. We use the vertices and maps of the Mesh as the skelleton of the returned mesh. The fields are mapped according to indices in the template.maps[i].fields. coord_sys (coordinate system to cut in): at_intersection (str): instruction on what to do, when a cut will intersect a triangle. Options: 'remove' (Default) - remove the faces that are on the edge 'keep' - keep the faces that are on the edge 'split' - Create new triangles that make up the old one. return_template (bool): If True: return the template to redo the same cut fast Examples: define the cut >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> from import x,y,z >>> cut_expr = x > 1.5 >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D.grid((0, 3, 4), ... (0, 3, 4), ... (0, 0, 1)) >>> m.fields.append(tfields.Tensors(np.linspace(0, len(m) - 1, ... len(m)))) >>> m.maps[3].fields.append( ... tfields.Tensors(np.linspace(0, ... len(m.maps[3]) - 1, ... len(m.maps[3])))) >>> mNew = m.cut(cut_expr) >>> len(mNew) 8 >>> mNew.nfaces() 6 >>> float(mNew[:, 0].min()) 2.0 Cutting with the 'keep' option will leave triangles on the edge untouched: >>> m_keep = m.cut(cut_expr, at_intersection='keep') >>> float(m_keep[:, 0].min()) 1.0 >>> m_keep.nfaces() 12 Cutting with the 'split' option will create new triangles on the edge: >>> m_split = m.cut(cut_expr, at_intersection='split') >>> float(m_split[:, 0].min()) 1.5 >>> len(m_split) 15 >>> m_split.nfaces() 15 Cut with 'return_template=True' will return the exact same mesh but additionally an instruction to conduct the exact same cut fast (template) >>> m_split_2, template = m.cut(cut_expr, at_intersection='split', ... return_template=True) >>> m_split_template = m.cut(template) >>> assert m_split.equal(m_split_2, equal_nan=True) >>> assert m_split.equal(m_split_template, equal_nan=True) >>> assert len(template.fields) == 1 >>> assert len(m_split.fields) == 1 >>> assert len(m_split_template.fields) == 1 >>> assert m_split.fields[0].equal( ... list(range(8, 16)) + [np.nan] * 7, equal_nan=True) >>> assert m_split_template.fields[0].equal( ... list(range(8, 16)) + [np.nan] * 7, equal_nan=True) This seems irrelevant at first but consider, the map field or the tensor field changes: >>> m_altered_fields = m.copy() >>> m_altered_fields[0] += 42 >>> assert not m_split.equal(m_altered_fields.cut(template)) >>> assert tfields.Tensors(m_split).equal( ... m_altered_fields.cut(template)) >>> assert tfields.Tensors(m_split.maps[3]).equal( ... m_altered_fields.cut(template).maps[3]) The cut expression may be a sympy.BooleanFunction: >>> cut_expr_bool_fun = (x > 1.5) & (y < 1.5) & (y >0.2) & (z > -0.5) >>> m_split_bool = m.cut(cut_expr_bool_fun, ... at_intersection='split') Returns: copy of cut mesh * optional: template """ return super().cut(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def disjoint_parts(self, return_template=False): """ Returns: disjoint_parts(List(cls)), templates(List(cls)) >>> import tfields >>> a = tfields.Mesh3D( ... [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]], ... maps=[[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]]) >>> b = a.copy() >>> b[:, 0] += 2 >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D.merged(a, b) >>> parts = m.disjoint_parts() >>> aa, ba = parts >>> assert aa.maps[3].equal(ba.maps[3]) >>> assert aa.equal(a) >>> assert ba.equal(b) """ mp_description = self.disjoint_map(3) parts = if not return_template: return parts else: templates = [] for i, part in enumerate(parts): template = part.copy() template.maps[3].fields = [tfields.Tensors(mp_description[1][i])] templates.append(template) return parts, templates
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import doctest doctest.testmod()