Source code for tfields.triangles_3d

# encoding: utf-8
Author:     Daniel Boeckenhoff

part of tfields library
import warnings
import typing
import numpy as np
import tfields
import logging
from tfields.lib.decorators import cached_property

[docs]class Triangles3D(tfields.TensorFields): # pylint: disable=R0904 """ Points3D child restricted to n * 3 Points. Three Points always group together to one triangle. Args: tensors (Iterable | tfields.TensorFields) *fields (Iterable | tfields.Tensors): Fields with the same length as tensors **kwargs: passed to base class Attributes: see :class:`~tfields.TensorFields` Examples: >>> import tfields >>> t = tfields.Triangles3D([[1,2,3], [3,3,3], [0,0,0]]) You can add fields to each triangle >>> t = tfields.Triangles3D(t, tfields.Tensors([42])) >>> assert t.fields[0].equal([42]) """ def __new__(cls, tensors, *fields, **kwargs): kwargs["dim"] = 3 kwargs["rigid"] = False obj = super(Triangles3D, cls).__new__(cls, tensors, *fields, **kwargs) if not len(obj) % 3 == 0: warnings.warn( "Input object of size({0}) has no divider 3 and" " does not describe triangles.".format(len(obj)) ) return obj
[docs] def ntriangles(self): """ Returns: int: number of triangles """ return len(self) // 3
def _to_triangles_mask(self, mask): mask = np.array(mask) mask = mask.reshape((self.ntriangles(), 3)) mask = mask.all(axis=1) return mask def __getitem__(self, index): """ In addition to the usual, also slice fields Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> vectors = tfields.Tensors(np.array([range(30)] * 3).T) >>> triangles = tfields.Triangles3D(vectors, range(10)) >>> assert np.array_equal(triangles[3:6], ... [[3] * 3, ... [4] * 3, ... [5] * 3]) >>> assert triangles[3:6].fields[0][0] == 1 """ item = super(tfields.TensorFields, self).__getitem__(index) try: # __iter__ will try except __getitem__(i) until IndexError if issubclass(type(item), Triangles3D): # block int, float, ... if len(item) % 3 != 0: item = tfields.Tensors(item) elif item.fields: # build triangle index / indices / mask when possible tri_index = None if isinstance(index, tuple): index = index[0] if isinstance(index, int): pass elif isinstance(index, slice): start = index.start or 0 stop = index.stop or len(self) step = index.step if start % 3 == 0 and (stop - start) % 3 == 0 and step is None: tri_index = slice(start // 3, stop // 3) else: try: tri_index = self._to_triangles_mask(index) except ValueError: pass # apply triangle index to fields if tri_index is not None: item.fields = [ field.__getitem__(tri_index) for field in item.fields ] else: item = tfields.Tensors(item) except IndexError: logging.warning( "Index error occured for field.__getitem__. Error " "message: {err}".format(**locals()) ) return item def _save_stl(self, path, **kwargs): """ Save the object to a stl file """ import stl shape = stl.Mesh(np.zeros(self.ntriangles(), dtype=stl.Mesh.dtype)) shape.vectors = self.bulk.reshape((self.ntriangles(), 3, 3)), **kwargs) @classmethod def _load_stl(cls, path): """ Factory method Given a path to a stl file, construct the object """ import stl.mesh triangles = stl.mesh.Mesh.from_file(path) obj = cls(triangles.vectors.reshape(-1, 3)) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def merged(cls, *objects, **kwargs): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") obj = super(Triangles3D, cls).merged(*objects, **kwargs) if not len(obj) % 3 == 0: warnings.warn( "Input object of size({0}) has no divider 3 and" " does not describe triangles.".format(len(obj)) ) return obj
[docs] def evalf(self, expression=None, coord_sys=None): """ Triangle3D implementation Examples: >>> from import x >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> t = tfields.Triangles3D([[1., 2., 3.], [-4., 5., 6.], [1, 2, -6], ... [5, -5, -5], [1,0,-1], [0,1,-1], ... [-5, -5, -5], [1,0,-1], [0,1,-1]]) >>> mask = t.evalf(x >= 0) >>> assert np.array_equal(t[mask], ... tfields.Triangles3D([[ 5., -5., -5.], ... [ 1., 0., -1.], ... [ 0., 1., -1.]])) Returns: np.array: mask which is True, where expression evaluates True """ mask = super(Triangles3D, self).evalf(expression, coord_sys=coord_sys) mask = self._to_triangles_mask(mask) mask = np.array([mask] * 3).T.reshape((len(self))) return mask
[docs] def cut(self, expression, coord_sys=None): """ Default cut method for Triangles3D Examples: >>> import sympy >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> x, y, z = sympy.symbols('x y z') >>> t = tfields.Triangles3D([[1., 2., 3.], [-4., 5., 6.], [1, 2, -6], ... [5, -5, -5], [1, 0, -1], [0, 1, -1], ... [-5, -5, -5], [1, 0, -1], [0, 1, -1]]) >>> tc = t.cut(x >= 0) >>> assert tc.equal(tfields.Triangles3D([[ 5., -5., -5.], ... [ 1., 0., -1.], ... [ 0., 1., -1.]])) >>> t.fields.append(tfields.Tensors([1,2,3])) >>> tc2 = t.cut(x >= 0) >>> assert np.array_equal(tc2.fields[-1], np.array([2.])) """ # mask = self.evalf(expression, coord_sys=coord_sys) # inst = self[mask].copy() # return inst return super().cut(expression, coord_sys)
[docs] def mesh(self): """ Returns: tfields.Mesh3D """ mp = tfields.TensorFields(np.arange(len(self)).reshape((-1, 3)), *self.fields) mesh = tfields.Mesh3D(self, maps=[mp]) return mesh.cleaned(stale=False) # stale vertices can not occure here
@cached_property() def _areas(self): """ Cached method to retrieve areas of triangles """ transform = np.eye(3) return self.areas(transform=transform)
[docs] def areas(self, transform=None): """ Calculate area with "heron's formula" Args: transform (np.ndarray): optional transformation matrix The triangle points are transformed with transform if given before calclulating the area Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,0]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 2]]) >>> assert np.allclose(m.triangles().areas(), np.array([0.5])) >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,1]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> assert np.allclose(m.triangles().areas(), np.array([0.5, 0.5])) >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,1]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 4]]) >>> assert np.allclose(m.triangles().areas(), np.array([0.5, 0.5])) """ if transform is None: return self._areas else: indices = range(self.ntriangles()) aIndices = [i * 3 for i in indices] bIndices = [i * 3 + 1 for i in indices] cIndices = [i * 3 + 2 for i in indices] # define 3 vectors building the triangle, transform it back and take their norm if not np.array_equal(transform, np.eye(3)): a = np.linalg.norm( np.linalg.solve( transform.T, (self[aIndices, :] - self[bIndices, :]).T ), axis=0, ) b = np.linalg.norm( np.linalg.solve( transform.T, (self[aIndices, :] - self[cIndices, :]).T ), axis=0, ) c = np.linalg.norm( np.linalg.solve( transform.T, (self[bIndices, :] - self[cIndices, :]).T ), axis=0, ) else: a = np.linalg.norm(self[aIndices, :] - self[bIndices, :], axis=1) b = np.linalg.norm(self[aIndices, :] - self[cIndices, :], axis=1) c = np.linalg.norm(self[bIndices, :] - self[cIndices, :], axis=1) # sort by length for numerical stability lengths = np.concatenate( (a.reshape(-1, 1), b.reshape(-1, 1), c.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1 ) lengths.sort() a, b, c = lengths.T return 0.25 * np.sqrt( (a + (b + c)) * (c - (a - b)) * (c + (a - b)) * (a + (b - c)) )
[docs] def corners(self): """ Returns: three np.arrays with corner points of triangles """ indices = range(self.ntriangles()) aIndices = [i * 3 for i in indices] bIndices = [i * 3 + 1 for i in indices] cIndices = [i * 3 + 2 for i in indices] a = self.bulk[aIndices, :] b = self.bulk[bIndices, :] c = self.bulk[cIndices, :] return a, b, c
[docs] def circumcenters(self): """ Semi baricentric method to calculate circumcenter points of the triangles Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 3],[0, 2, 3],[1,2,4], [1, 3, 4]]); >>> assert np.allclose( ... m.triangles().circumcenters(), ... [[0.5, 0.5, 0.0], ... [-0.5, 0.5, 0.0], ... [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3]]) """ pointA, pointB, pointC = self.corners() a = np.linalg.norm( pointC - pointB, axis=1 ) # side length of side opposite to pointA b = np.linalg.norm(pointC - pointA, axis=1) c = np.linalg.norm(pointB - pointA, axis=1) bary1 = a ** 2 * (b ** 2 + c ** 2 - a ** 2) bary2 = b ** 2 * (a ** 2 + c ** 2 - b ** 2) bary3 = c ** 2 * (a ** 2 + b ** 2 - c ** 2) matrices = np.concatenate((pointA, pointB, pointC), axis=1).reshape( pointA.shape + (3,) ) # transpose the inner matrix matrices = np.einsum("...ji", matrices) vectors = np.array((bary1, bary2, bary3)).T # matrix vector product for matrices and vectors P = np.einsum("...ji,...i", matrices, vectors) P /= vectors.sum(axis=1).reshape((len(vectors), 1)) return tfields.Points3D(P)
@cached_property() def _centroids(self): """ this version is faster but takes much more ram also. So much that i get memory error with a 32 GB RAM """ nT = self.ntriangles() mat = np.ones((1, 3)) / 3.0 # matrix product calculatesq center of all triangles return tfields.Points3D(, self.reshape(nT, 3, 3))[0], coord_sys=self.coord_sys ) """ Old version: pointA, pointB, pointC = self.corners() return Points3D(1. / 3 * (pointA + pointB + pointC)), coord_sys=self.coord_sys This versioin was slightly slower (110 % of new version) Memory usage of new version is better for a factor of 4 or so. Not really reliable method of measurement """
[docs] def centroids(self): """ Returns: :func:`~tfields.Triangles3D._centroids` Examples: >>> import tfields >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 3],[0, 2, 3],[1,2,4], [1, 3, 4]]); >>> assert m.triangles().centroids().equal( ... [[1./3, 1./3, 0.], ... [-1./3, 1./3, 0.], ... [0., 0., 1./3], ... [1./3, 1./3, 1./3]]) """ return self._centroids
[docs] def edges(self): """ Retrieve two of the three edge vectors Returns: two np.ndarrays: vectors ab and ac, where a, b, c are corners (see self.corners) """ a, b, c = self.corners() ab = b - a ac = c - a return ab, ac
[docs] def norms(self): """ Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 3],[0, 2, 3],[1,2,4], [1, 3, 4]]); >>> assert np.allclose(m.triangles().norms(), ... [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ... [0.0, 0.0, -1.0], ... [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], ... [0.57735027] * 3], ... atol=1e-8) """ ab, ac = self.edges() vectors = np.cross(ab, ac) norms = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 0, vectors.T).reshape(-1, 1) # cross product may be zero, so replace zero norms by ones to divide vectors by norms, norms == 0.0, 1.0) return vectors / norms
def _baricentric(self, point, delta=0.0): """ Determine baricentric coordinates like [u,v,w] = [ab, ac, ab x ac]^-1 * ap where ax is vector from point a to point x Examples: empty Meshes return right formatted array >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([], faces=[]) >>> m.triangles()._baricentric(np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0])) array([], dtype=float64) >>> m2 = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [2,0,0], [0,2,0], [0,0,2]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]); >>> assert np.array_equal( ... m2.triangles()._baricentric(np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0]), ... delta=2.), ... [[0.1, 0.1, 0.0], ... [0.1, 0.0, 0.1]]) if point lies in the plane, return np.nan, else inf for w if delta is exactly 0. >>> baric = m2.triangles()._baricentric(np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0]), ... delta=0.), >>> baric_expected = np.array([[0.1, 0.1, np.nan], ... [0.1, 0.0, np.inf]]) >>> assert ((baric == baric_expected) | (np.isnan(baric) & ... np.isnan(baric_expected))).all() Raises: If you define triangles that have colinear side vectors or in general lead to not invertable matrices [ab, ac, ab x ac] the values will be nan and a warning will be triggered: >>> import warnings >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> m3 = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [2,0,0], [4,0,0], [0,1,0]], ... maps=[[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]]]); >>> with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wrn: ... warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ... bc = m3.triangles()._baricentric(np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0]), delta=0.3) >>> bc_exp = np.array([[ np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [ 0.1, 0.2, 0. ]]) >>> assert ((bc == bc_exp) | (np.isnan(bc) & ... np.isnan(bc_exp))).all() The warning would be: UserWarning('Singular matrix: Could not invert matrix ... ... [[ 2. 4. 0.], [ 0. 0. 0.], [ 0. 0. 0.]]. Return nan matrix.',) Returns: np.ndarray: barycentric coordinates u, v, w of point with respect to each triangle """ if self.ntriangles() == 0: return np.array([]) a, _, _ = self.corners() ap = point - a # matrix vector product for matrices and vectors barCoords = np.einsum("...ji,...i", self._baricentric_matrix, ap) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # python2.7 warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="invalid value encountered in divide" ) warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="divide by zero encountered in divide" ) # python3.x warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="invalid value encountered in true_divide" ) warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="divide by zero encountered in true_divide" ) barCoords[:, 2] /= delta # allow devide by 0. return barCoords @cached_property() def _baricentric_matrix(self): """ cached barycentric matrix for faster calculations """ ab, ac = self.edges() # get norm vector TODO: replace by norm = self.norms() norm = np.cross(ab, ac) normLen = np.linalg.norm(norm, axis=1) normLen = normLen.reshape((1,) + normLen.shape) colinear_mask = normLen == 0 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) # prevent divide by 0 norm[np.where(~colinear_mask.T)] = ( norm[np.where(~colinear_mask.T)] / normLen.T[np.where(~colinear_mask.T)] ) matrix = np.concatenate((ab, ac, norm), axis=1).reshape(ab.shape + (3,)) matrix = np.einsum("...ji", matrix) # transpose the inner matrix # invert matrix if possible # matrixI = np.linalg.inv(matrix) # one line variant without exception matrixI = [] for mat in matrix: try: matrixI.append(np.linalg.inv(mat)) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as e: if str(e) == "Singular matrix": warnings.warn( "Singular matrix: Could not invert matrix " "{0}. Return nan matrix.".format(str(mat).replace("\n", ",")) ) matrixI.append(np.full((3, 3), np.nan)) return np.array(matrixI) def _in_triangles(self, point, delta=0.0): """ Barycentric method to optain, wheter a point is in any of the triangles Args: point (list of len 3) delta (float / None): float: acceptance in +- norm vector direction None: accept the face with the minimum distance to the point Returns: np.array: boolean mask, True where point in a triangle within delta Examples: see tests/ """ if self.ntriangles() == 0: return np.array([], dtype=bool) try: point = np.reshape(point, 3) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "point must be castable to shape 3 but is of shape {0}".format( point.shape ) ) # min_dist_method switch if delta is None if delta is None: delta = 1.0 min_dist_method = True else: min_dist_method = False u, v, w = self._baricentric(point, delta=delta).T if delta == 0.0: w[np.isnan(w)] = 0.0 # division by 0 in baricentric makes w = 0 nan. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="invalid value encountered in less_equal" ) barycentric_bools = ( ((v <= 1.0) & (v >= 0.0)) & ((u <= 1.0) & (u >= 0.0)) & ((v + u <= 1.0)) ) if all(~barycentric_bools): return barycentric_bools if min_dist_method: orthogonal_acceptance = np.full( barycentric_bools.shape, False, dtype=bool ) closest_indices = np.argmin(abs(w)[barycentric_bools]) # transform the indices to the whole array, not only the # barycentric_bools selection closest_indices = np.arange(len(barycentric_bools))[barycentric_bools][ closest_indices ] orthogonal_acceptance[closest_indices] = True else: orthogonal_acceptance = abs(w) <= 1 return np.array(barycentric_bools & orthogonal_acceptance)
[docs] def in_triangles( self, tensors, delta: typing.Optional[float] = 0.0, assign_multiple: bool = False, ) -> typing.Union[typing.List[typing.List[int]], np.array]: """ Barycentric method to obtain, which tensors are containes in any of the triangles Args: tensors (Points3D instance) optional: delta: :obj:`float`: Normal distance to a triangle, that the points are concidered to be contained in the triangle. :obj:`None`: Find the minimum distance. Default is 0. assign_multiple: If True, one point may belong to multiple triangles at the same time. In the other case the first occurence will be True the other False Returns: list: [index(or indices if assign_multiple) of triangle for point in tensors] """ indices = np.full(tensors.shape[0], -1, dtype=int) if self.ntriangles() == 0: if assign_multiple: return [[-1] * len(indices)] else: return indices with tensors.tmp_transform(self.coord_sys): for i, point in enumerate(iter(tensors)): mask = self._in_triangles(point, delta) if np.any(mask): if assign_multiple: index = np.argwhere(mask == np.amax(mask)) index.flatten().tolist() indices.append(index) else: indices[i] = np.argmax(mask) else: if assign_multiple: indices.append([-1]) else: indices[i] = -1 return indices
def _on_edges(self, point): """ Determine whether a point is on the edge / side ray of a triangle TODO: on_edges like in_triangles Returns: np.array: boolean mask which is true, if point is on one side ray of a triangle Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import tfields >>> m = tfields.Mesh3D([[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]], ... faces=[[0, 1, 3],[0, 2, 3],[1,2,4]]); Corner points are found >>> assert np.array_equal( ... m.triangles()._on_edges(tfields.Points3D([[0,1,0]])), ... np.array([ True, True, False], dtype=bool)) Side points are found, too >>> assert np.array_equal( ... m.triangles()._on_edges(tfields.Points3D([[0.5,0,0.5]])), ... np.array([False, False, True], dtype=bool)) """ u, v, w = self._baricentric(point, 1.0).T orthogonal_acceptance = w == 0 # point should lie in triangle barycentric_bools = ( (((0.0 <= v) & (v <= 1.0)) & (u == 0.0)) | (((0.0 <= u) & (u <= 1.0)) & (v == 0.0)) | (v + u == 1.0) ) return np.array(barycentric_bools & orthogonal_acceptance) def _weights(self, weights, rigid=False): """ transformer method for weights inputs. Args: weights (np.ndarray | int | None): If weights is integer it will be used as index for fields and fields are used as weights. If weights is None it will Otherwise just pass the weights. Returns: TODO: Better docs """ # set weights to 1.0 if weights is None if weights is None: weights = np.ones(self.ntriangles()) return super(Triangles3D, self)._weights(weights, rigid=rigid)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import doctest doctest.testmod()